Date with History: Gratitude is Not Enough

Le Jardin 1s151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton, IL

Thursday, November 7 | 6:00 pm | Free with paid parking It was a crisp, clear day in November 1943 as 10-year-old Marcel Schmetz walked home from school along Route de la Clouse, Hitler’s new Belgium-German border. He was about to cross a small bridge over the Berwinne Creek. To his right, he saw an unassuming loaf of bread bobbing downstream in the creek. Then, peering further over the flimsy bridge railing, he saw her. A young woman was face-down at water’s edge with armed border guards standing over her. Water rippled slowly past her lifeless body, turning pink as...

Celebrating Women’s History Month

DuPage County Historical Museum 102 E. Wesley St., Wheaton, IL

Thursday, March 20 | Doors open at 6:00 PM | Panel at 6:30 PM Museum Auditorium | FREE DuPage County Historical Museum | 102 E Wesley St, Wheaton, IL, United States A panel discussion on how we make change in community with one another. Join us for an inspiring night full of conversation and fun! Event Highlights: Inspiring Panelists | Refreshments | Networking | Local Businesses | Raffles Sign Up > Learn More >