Recycling Extravaganza | April 1

DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 Manchester Road, Wheaton

The City’s Environmental Improvement Commission invites the community to its annual Recycling Extravaganza with SCARCE. Date/Time: Saturday, April 1, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to noon Location (NEW): DuPage Fairgrounds, 2015 Manchester Road. Note this year’s new location for this popular event. You can bring many types of items for safe disposal or recycling at this drive-through event. Items you can drop off include: Documents for shredding: Acceptable items include tax records, medical records, and sensitive documents. No plastic file tabs, vinyl checkbook covers, plastic page protectors or batteries (greeting cards, etc.). Latex paint ($2 per quart, $5 per gallon, or...